Register 49 Seats Remaining
Have fun reading Dr. Seuss's classic "Green Eggs and Ham" and exploring food and cooking-related activities to help develop your child's fine motor skills and vocabulary. Sponsored by The Children's Trust. Registration required. For more information, please contact the branch at 305-694-2707 or Ages 3 - 5 yrs.
READy, Set, Go Miami! is a collaborative initiative of the Miami-Dade Grade Level Reading Campaign (MDGLR). The goal of this initiative is to invite families of young children of all abilities, ages 3-5 yrs. to engage in activities that promote and develop early literacy skills in daily life. We wanted to let families know that many of the daily routines they already engage in are indeed beneficial for developing the language and communication skills of their young child. Our goal is to raise caregivers? awareness of how these interactions prepare their children to be ready for school. The READy, Set, Go Miami! workshops will enhance what families are already doing with their children on a daily basis, honoring and emphasizing families? home languages. The workshops will help caregivers realize there are many opportunities in their daily lives to prepare their children for kindergarten.
For more information go to:
AGE GROUP: | Early Childhood (0-5) | Adult (19+) |
EVENT TYPE: | Special Event | Reading & Literacy | Online | Education |