Register 50 Seats Remaining
Únanse a Ana para explorar el proceso de transformar los recursos disponibles en objetos con alma visual. Es necesario registrarse. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con la biblioteca al 305-375-5572 o Para edades 19 años y mayor.
Join Ana in exploring the process of transforming available resources into objects with visual soul. Registration required. Made possible by the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs. For more information, contact 305-375-5572 or
Un proyecto dedicado a capturar la esencia de la rica y diversa historia de Miami a través de la lente de la narración visual. La narrativa detrás de cualquier proyecto es la base de su fortaleza y sirve como el primer paso para elaborar una historia convincente que fomente la empatía con el espectador. Únanse a Ana para explorar el proceso de transformar los recursos disponibles en objetos con alma visual, mientras fomenta una conexión más profunda consigo mismo para descubrir y expresar su propia voz.
A project dedicated to capturing the essence of Miami’s rich and diverse history through the lens of visual storytelling. The narrative behind any project is the foundation of its strength, serving as the first step in crafting a compelling story that fosters empathy with the viewer. Join Ana in exploring the process of transforming available resources into objects with visual soul, all while encouraging a deeper connection with yourself to discover and express your own unique voice.
Sobre la presentadora:
Ana Rodríguez, diseñadora gráfica de día y artista devota de noche, hizo el viaje de Colombia a Miami hace 28 años y desde entonces considera a Miami como su hogar. Con dos décadas de experiencia en la industria de la radiodifusión, particularmente en el sector de las noticias, ha desarrollado un gran interés por los acontecimientos actuales y una comprensión de la influencia que la historia tiene en nuestro mundo moderno.
La pasión de Ana por el arte y la historia la ha llevado a un viaje de exploración artística. Se embarcó en un proyecto con el objetivo de encontrar un lenguaje común para definir la identidad de su comunidad, empezando por su historia. Su misión artística es involucrar a su comunidad en debates sobre la ciudad de Miami en constante evolución, proporcionando una mesa abierta para abordar temas importantes. Ana se esmera en crear imágenes memorables que resuenen en las personas y transmitan un mensaje que se quede con ellas.
About the presenter:
Ana Rodriguez, a graphic designer by day and a devoted artist by night, made the journey from Colombia to Miami 27 years ago and has since grown to love Miami as her home. With two decades of experience in the broadcast industry, particularly in the news sector, she has developed a keen interest in current events and an understanding of the influence history has on our modern world.
Ana's passion for art and history has led her on a journey of artistic exploration. She embarked on a project aiming to find a common language to define her community's identity, starting with its history. Her artistic mission is to engage her community in discussions about the ever-evolving city of Miami, providing an open table to address important topics. Ana strives to craft memorable images that resonate with people, delivering a message that sticks with them.
This program was made possible through generous funding from the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs.
About the Vasari Project:
The Vasari Project is a library collection at Main Library dedicated to documenting, collecting, and preserving Miami-Dade County's art history from 1945 to the present. It is a living archive that grows through contributions from artists, art professionals, exhibition spaces, galleries, institutions, and private donors.
The Vasari Project is a resource for ongoing research, scholarship, publications, artists' projects, exhibitions, and events. The archive collects documentation rather than original works of art composed primarily of printed matter: correspondence, press clippings, photographs, posters, books, exhibition catalogs, artists' files, oral histories, and other ephemeral materials.
About the Division of Special Collections & Archives:
Miami-Dade Public Library System’s Division of Special Collections & Archives is located at the Main Library and holds rare and irreplaceable historical materials for the benefit of the public and scholarly community. They oversee the Helen Muir Florida Collection, 16mm Film Collection, Cuban Collection of Rare Books & Ephemera, Genealogy Collection, Vasari Project archive, and Rare & Antiquarian books from as early as the 17th century. The Division aims to provide the public with the contents of these collections at their request, which include books, original manuscripts, over 18,000 photographs, prints, artifacts, audiovisual resources, and electronic media.
AGE GROUP: | Adult (19+) |
EVENT TYPE: | Special Collections | Performances & Presentations | In-Person | History |
TAGS: | Program in Spanish | Art |