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Sightings, studies, theories and experiences will be shared around the use, intervention and revival of archives. Se compartirán avistajes, estudios, teorías y experiencias en torno al uso, intervencín y reanimacín de archivos. Registration is required. Made possible by the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs. For more information, please contact the library at 305-375-5572 or Ages 19 yrs.+
Sightings, studies, theories and experiences will be shared around the use, intervention and revival of archives, to get closer to counter-hegemonic concepts, archive materials and absences, reviewing works and projects that activate relationships and thought.
Se compartirán avistajes, estudios, teorías y experiencias en torno al uso, intervención y reanimación de archivos, para acercarnos a conceptos contrahegemónicos, a materiales y ausencias de archivo, repasando obras y proyectos activadores de relación y pensamiento.
About the writer:
Romina Resuche (Buenos Aires, 1975) Periodista. Curadora. Desde siempre escribe/ Journalist. Curator. Researcher. She has always written.
El ejercicio del periodismo y la producción audiovisual la llevaron a prácticas curatoriales, invitándola a su vez a la labor educativa, y a investigaciones a las que llegó acompañando procesos y recorridos de personas con proyectos surgidos, nutridos o inspirados en archivos. Relacional y situada, su intención curatorial se sustenta en la postproducción, las teorías del presente, el trabajo de la memoria y la oralidad como puente.
Desde 2021 produce y dirige Archivos y Activaciones, un espacio de reflexión y acción que comenzó con un programa de seminarios online y continúa ampliándose en derivas como el podcast – Archivar, desarchivar, anarchivar, contraarchivar y volver a archivar. -, así como talleres, residencias y otras instancias táctiles. A&A cuenta desde hace cuatro años con ediciones online, con una edición presencial, y 3 ediciones especiales (TEXTIL)
English version:
The practice of journalism and audiovisual production led her to curatorial practices, inviting her in turn to educational work, and to investigations that she arrived at by accompanying the processes and journeys of people with projects that emerged, nourished or inspired by archives. Relational and situated, its curatorial intention is supported by post-production, present theories, memory work and orality as a bridge.
Since 2021, he has been producing and directing Archives and Activations, a space for reflection and action that started with a program of online seminars and continues to expand in drifts such as the podcast – Archive, unarchive, anarchive, counter-archive and archive again -, as well as workshops , residences and other tactile instances. A&A has had online editions for four years, with an in-person edition, and 3 special editions (TEXTILE)
About the artist:
Diana Larrea es una documentalista, fotógrafa y artista visual peruana galardonada que vive en Miami, FL y Cusco, Perú. Actualmente es artista residente en Oolite Arts y está en preproducción de su cortometraje “Hatun Sonqo”, un documental dedicado a la preservación de las lenguas y el patrimonio indígena en el sur de Florida. Su última película experimental, “Querido Pequeño Haití”, se estrenó en el Festival de Cine de Miami del 2024 y se proyectó en el legendario Centro Adrienne Arsht. “Monarcas”, su debut como directora, ganó el premio al mejor documental en el Festival de Cine Independiente de Highland Park.
Diana también ha prestado sus habilidades de edición a varios proyectos, incluidos "Madame Pipi" (2021), "Birthright" (2021) y el documental ganador del Emmy "Six Degrees of Immigration" (2019). A lo largo de la última década, Diana ha colaborado con artistas de Miami, capturando su esencia a través de retratos íntimos mientras documenta comunidades que luchan contra los efectos del desarrollo y la gentrificación. Con un título asociado en producción cinematográfica de Miami-Dade College, comenzó su carrera como editora para estaciones de televisión e instituciones. Diana tiene como objetivo retratar y potenciar poéticamente la experiencia de los inmigrantes a través de su obra.
English version:
Diana Larrea is a Peruvian award-winning documentary filmmaker, photographer, and visual artist based in Miami, FL, and Cusco, Perú. She is currently a resident artist at Oolite Arts and in pre-production for her short film “Hatun Sonqo,” a documentary dedicated to preserving indigenous languages and heritage in South Florida. Her latest experimental film, “Querido Pequeño Haiti”, premiered at this year’s Miami Film Festival, screening at the legendary Adrienne Arsht Center. “Monarcas”, her directorial debut, won best documentary at the Highland Park Independent Film Festival.
Diana has also lent her editing skills to various projects, including "Madame Pipi" (2021), "Birthright" (2021), and the Emmy-winning documentary, “Six Degrees of Immigration” (2019). Throughout the past decade, Diana has collaborated with Miami artists, capturing their essence through intimate portraits while documenting communities grappling with the effects of development and gentrification. With an Associate's degree in Film Production from Miami-Dade College, she began her career as an editor for TV stations and institutions. Diana aims to portray and empower the immigrant experience through her work poetically.
This program was made possible through generous funding from the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs.
About the Vasari Project:
The Vasari Project is a library collection at Main Library dedicated to documenting, collecting, and preserving Miami-Dade County's art history from 1945 to the present. It is a living archive that grows through contributions from artists, art professionals, exhibition spaces, galleries, institutions, and private donors.
The Vasari Project is a resource for ongoing research, scholarship, publications, artists' projects, exhibitions, and events. The archive collects documentation rather than original works of art composed primarily of printed matter: correspondence, press clippings, photographs, posters, books, exhibition catalogs, artists' files, oral histories, and other ephemeral materials.
About the Division of Special Collections & Archives:
Miami-Dade Public Library System’s Division of Special Collections & Archives is located at the Main Library and holds rare and irreplaceable historical materials for the benefit of the public and scholarly community. They oversee the Helen Muir Florida Collection, 16mm Film Collection, Cuban Collection of Rare Books & Ephemera, Genealogy Collection, Vasari Project archive, and Rare & Antiquarian books from as early as the 17th century. The Division aims to provide the public with the contents of these collections at their request, which include books, original manuscripts, over 18,000 photographs, prints, artifacts, audiovisual resources, and electronic media.
AGE GROUP: | Adult (19+) |
EVENT TYPE: | Special Collections | Online | History |
TAGS: | Virtual Program | Special Collections | Program in Spanish | Photography | Español | Art |