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Join local author and masters swimmer Anita Mitchell as she tells about how a post-retirement blog entry became the book, "God Took My Arms but He Gave Me THIS GIFT..," A masters swimmer for over 20 years gave her access to Abbas Karimi and a front row seat to the story of how an armless Afghan boy became a two-time silver medalist in the 2024 Paris Paralympic games. Registration required. For information contact 305-931-5512 or Ages 18 yrs.+
Anita Mitchell collects people stories, much the same way people collect shoes or baseball cards or Lladro porcelain figurines. During her 26 years at WSVN7, she had the front-row seat to people’s stories, and it was there she learned about the extraordinariness of the ordinary...and the ordinariness of the extraordinary. Since retiring from television news, she served on the Board of Directors of Different Brains, a charitable foundation that supports neurodiverse adults. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Broward County Sports Hall of Fame. They honor residents who have set unique standards of excellence through sports.
Ms. Mitchell has a Communications/English BA from Michigan State University and was part of the Journalism master’s program at Florida International University.
Since 2004, she has swum competitively with our local Swim Fort Lauderdale Masters Swim Team (SFTL). She has a box full of ribbons and medals from swim meets. In both 2013 and 2017 she was a Team USA member for the Maccabi Games in Netanya, Israel. So how are the writing and the swimming, the neurodiverse and honoring local sports figures connected? In her heart she knows that they are.